Galashiels Academy

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Secondary Support Centre

The department works closely with multi-agency colleagues including speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and riding for the disabled to ensure that young people’s needs are met and support is in place to remove barriers to learning.

All students within the department have individual educational programmes focusing on the key areas of Literacy and Communication, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. In line with Curriculum for Excellence entitlements students experience a broad general education in years S1-3 and within the senior phase there is an emphasis on skills for learning, life and work. At each stage students celebrate personal achievements and are given opportunities to make choices and develop interests.

Students attend subject classes throughout the school appropriate to their needs. The Secondary Support Centre also provides classes and courses for all year groups with an emphasis on functional life skills. As such, students undertake learning in the local community as well as the classroom. Subject classes are also delivered for groups of students from the Secondary Support Centre in the areas of art, music, science, P.E., H.E., technical, French.

At the senior phase a wide range of courses at National 1 and National 2 level from the following curriculum areas:

* Mathematics

* Language

* Health and Well-Being

* Science

* Social Subjects

* Technologies

* Employment Skills

* Expressive Arts


Student transitions at entry to and exit from secondary education are carefully planned well in advance of the transition with students themselves, multi-agency colleagues and families.

The Secondary Support Centre provides a specialist teaching and total communication environment with the use of objects of reference, symbols, visual timetables and alternative augmentative communication methods.